Tuesday, April 7, 2020

4/7 Schedule

5:30 - 6:30  Storyboards due, class discussion
6:30 - 7:45 Independent meetings sign up here

Premiere Exercise: Stop Motion Animation
2 due 4/9 end of class

Choose some objects you would like to animate, this can be done inside, outside, or drawn.
Stopmotion animation is a way to animate inanimate objects by taking a series of stills and playing them together like a flipbook.
For a stop motion animation, it is recommended that you have a light source, tripod of some sort and a partner to help you either animate your objects or take the photographs. 
  • phone/camera with a lot of space for photos We will be making a 30-second video. For a stop motion animation you will need 12-24 frames per second, that would mean a 150 frame video would be 12.5-6.25 second of footage. Plan to have a significant amount of space on your phone or camera so you don't run into problems.
  • Cable to connect your device to the computer (or another way to upload multiple files in chronological order)
  • A way to steady phone/camera (tripod or something else https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTtJovKtujo )

Artist to look at:
Stop Motion Student Examples:

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIISYvW3hss
with 3D printed objects:

Steps when making your stop-motion animation: 
1. Take 100 - 200 photographs. Slowly, sequentially move your object between each frame.
This should be the most time-consuming part of this exercise.
  • turn off your auto exposure and use exposure lock if you have it
  • use a stabilizing device (tripod, support, etc. )
  • plan your composition, you'll want to get in close to see what's happening
2. Import all of your still photographs onto your external drive, creating a new folder for your stop motion project. Put all the media you plan to use in that folder.

3. Import your media into premiere and set up your timeline for your stop motion project.
  • To change the speed/duration of your sequence select all frames and under the clips, menu change the speed/duration  00;00;00;03 is recomended)
  • Add transitions where necessary
  • Add music and use key frames to fade your music in and out

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