Premiere Shortcuts

VSelection tool
The default tool, used to select clips in the timeline.
MTrack Select tool
Select all clips on a track from a given point, or select multiple tracks.
BRipple Edit tool
Adjust an edit point and move other clips in the timeline to compensate.
NRolling Edit tool
Adjust an edit point between two clips without affecting the rest of the timeline.
XRate Stretch tool
Change the duration of a clip while simultaneously changing the speed to compensate.
CRazor tool
Cut a clip (or multiple clips) into two clips.
YSlip tool
Move a clip’s in and out points by the same amount simultaneously, so the rest of the timeline is not affected.
USlide tool
Move a clip back and forth in the timeline, while simultaneously adjusting adjacent clips to compensate.
PPen tool
Create control (anchor) points.
HHand tool
Drag the timeline view left and right.
ZZoom tool
Click in the timeline to magnify the view, or drag and select a rectangular area to zoom into.

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