Extra Credit Project: Your Story

Project 4: Your Story

Due 4/23

For this project, you will be using more than one of the digital process we have learned in this class to create a map of a moment in your life. 

The final piece will be very different for each of you:
It could be a short film documenting your morning routine, or the creation of a piece of art. It could be multiple composites that depict a narrative, or it could be an abstract interpretation created in Illustrator and projected onto a specific surface.

I encouraged you to use multiple processes for this piece and consider how to bring your personal art-making process into this class through this project.
This project prompt is intentionally open to allow you to use the digital methods we have worked with to communicate your own story.

In support of the artwork please write a 200-300 work artist statement about this piece.

Submitting this project
All physical work should be thoroughly documented and posted to the blog along with your statement about the artwork.

Grading Rubric:
Content 70 Points
● Personal Engagement
-Was the artwork thoughtfully conceived and executed?
-Did the artist challenge themselves conceptually in the making of this piece?
-Did the artist challenge technically in the making go this piece?
-Does the supporting text show conceptual involvement in the ideas discussed?
● Concept & Technique
-Were the chosen tools well-considered and appropriate for the artwork?
Craft 30 Points
● Attention to Detail   -Are the different methods of working seamlessly integrated  -Does the execution of the pieces show thoughtful consideration of the entire work

● Presentation
-Does the way the artist presents their work show care and intention
-Is the supporting text well written and clearly presented?
-Is the documentation clear and presented in a professional manner?

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