Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Response 1: Nice to meet you

 Copy and past these questions to your blog
Delete my info and answer the questions for your first blog response.

  1. Who are you? Kathleen Eastwood, an artist, gardener and adjunct professor.
  2. Where are you from? Philadelphia 
  3. Do you have a preferred pronoun? she/her
  4. Tell me something about yourself? I teach digital imaging but my chosen art form is drawing and painting.
  5. What is your major? I majored in Painting when I was a student.
  6. What kind of art do you like to make (share an image)?

  7. What apps/programs on the phone or computer do you use most frequently and what for?
    Chrome for everyday business, Photoshop as planning for my paintings and photo editing, NPRone or Libby for listening while painting and instagram for seeing what other artists are up to.
  8. Who is one of your favorite visual artists (post a  photo)?
    I don't have just one favorite, but I am currently thinking about  David Hockney 
  9. Who is your favorite musician (share a link)?
    Leonard Cohen
  10. What do you hope to get out of this class?
    I hope that we have a successful class where everyone feels comfortable to share their ideas, frustrations and discoveries.  I hope that everyone comes away with new ways of looking at the world and new tools to help them pursue whatever their personal art making goals are going forward.
  11. Can you sit still for an hour? I can sit still for 12+ hours
  12. What is your relationship to visual studies? I am an artist and I teach it
  13. What is the relationship between computers and visual studies?  I believe that today, unlike when I was an undergraduate student, computers are an integral part of our lives and strongly influence the way we see and think. They are are an important tool for communication and art-making is all about communication. 
  14. What is your experience with Photoshop, Illustrator and Premiere? I use Photoshop extensively in my own artwork, Illustrator mostly for contract work and logo design, and Premiere for personal projects.
  15. Have you ever created a 3D printed object? 
  16. Do you have a computer at home? If so does it have Photoshop and Illustrator? Mac or PC?
    This is what my first computer looked like...

  17. Write a five line story.  When I was little, my favorite pet was a guinea pig.  I taught him tricks and thought he was very smart.  I am now married to a man who comes from a country where guinea pigs are sold in the street as a snack.  We don't have any pets, only plants.
  18. Post an image from your winter break 
Savannah, GA

Class Vote: Would you prefer to have a break or get out at 7:45?