Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Franken Animal

In Mary Shelley's novel, Frankenstein the “mad scientist” wants to create a perfect person...in his quest for perfection, he creates what the novel frames as a monster. If you have read this novel you might agree that this monster is the most sympathetic character. 

What is perfection? What is monstrous? Is it not what makes us different what makes us beautiful?

In this in-class exercise, we will be beginning to look at the class theme of identity. Your creation can represent who you are or who you aspire to be.

In this exercise, you will work non-destructively on a complex image with the goal of making something impossible as believable as possible.

-Drawing Tablet
-Cloning vs. Healing
-Adjustment Layers
-Color Correction

-Blending Modes
-Smart Objects

With sourced images, we will invent our very own Franken-Animal.
We will be using a minimum of 4 different animals and 2 different backgrounds to create our scene. These images should be found, not created by you. Please take a moment to answer these questions on your blog before you begin your collection.

  1. What characteristics make up your personality? (energetic, talkative, thoughtful, brave)
  2. Is there something distinct about your appearance that feels like an important part of who you are? (Hair, eyes, height, skin color)
  3. Is there an activity that you love? (travel, building things, singing, climbing)
  4. Is there a creature that you've felt an affinity to for a long time?  
  5. What animals could embody the characteristics you listed above? 
  6. What location(s) would this new creature exist in?

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